Our Mission


Our Mission Statement

The International Liberty Forum is dedicated to fighting against globalist encroachment by supranational NGOs such as the World Economic Forum. Our mission is to eradicate the undue influence these groups hold over world governments and prevent them from undermining and bypassing the democratic processes of individual nations.


Our Key Goals

The International Liberty Forum is dedicated to fighting against globalist encroachment by supranational NGOs such as the World Economic Forum. Our mission is to eradicate the undue influence these groups hold over world governments and prevent them from undermining and bypassing the democratic processes of individual nations.

  • To prevent The Great Reset
  • To block the implementation of stakeholder capitalism
  • To prevent the forced imposition of net zero policies
  • To protect our global farming industries
  • To prevent the rollout of social credit systems and CBDCs
  • To fight the implementation of any future public health mandates
  • To prevent the erosion of personal freedoms in the name of Agenda 2030


Our Vision

To engage with politicians, industry leaders, scientists, business owners, celebrities, and journalists who support our key goals to oppose the continued expansion of globalist forces and build a united and credible opposition to The Great Reset and Agenda 2030.


Our Strategy

To beat organisations like the WEF we’ll need to fight fire with fire. Their success has been driven by the way they have leveraged the combined power of corporate backing, political influence, and perceived academic credibility to push their ideology. We plan to do the same but from the opposite direction. We will be looking to:

  • Build alliances with high-profile politicians in key nations while simultaneously highlighting politicians who support or collude with the WEF.
  • Amass a panel of scientists and academics who can provide a credible counter-narrative to each one of the WEF’s lines of attack, including on net-zero & climate change, farming & the food chain, banking & digital currencies, surveillance & social credit systems, and public health. We will focus on highlighting the realities and dangers of the WEFs agenda in each area.
  • Build strategic partnerships with existing freedom movements to create a focused line of attack against globalist encroachment.
  • Drive large-scale public awareness campaigns using high-profile celebrities, targeting demographics currently unaware or apathetic to the threats presented by the WEF. Including mainstream media penetration, guerilla campaigns, billboards, and more.
  • Build a global network of members comprising individuals and small & medium-sized businesses who will help guide our direction, amplify our message, and provide a formidable platform possessing real political leverage and use it to lobby world governments to renounce relationships with the WEF and cease funding them.